Navigate Jira Cloud Like a Pro: ACP-620 Certification Guide

In the rapidly evolving realm of project management, harnessing tools like Jira Cloud can be a game-changer. The ACP-620 certification is a meticulously designed pathway, empowering project managers with the indispensable skills required to manage Jira projects within a cloud environment. Beyond mere validation, it is a testament to the proficiency of Project Admins who excel in steering and optimizing Jira Software’s Scrum and Kanban projects for their teams.

Unveiling the ACP-620 Certification

The ACP-620: Managing Jira Projects for Cloud Certification is your gateway to unraveling the intricacies of configuring and optimizing Jira Software’s Scrum and Kanban projects tailored for your teams. Achieving this certification elevates your expertise in critical areas.

  • Best Practices Application: Learn the art of translating team requirements into robust project configurations by applying industry best practices.
  • User, Role, and Permission Management: Master efficiently managing project users, roles, permissions, and troubleshooting potential issues.
  • Backlog Grooming and Sprint Delivery: Gain proficiency in grooming the backlog and delivering issues in sprints and releases, ensuring a streamlined project workflow.
  • Board Configuration Across Projects: Understand the nuances of configuring boards across projects and teams, enhancing collaboration and project visibility.
  • In-Depth Understanding: Dive into the details of versions, components, and issue assignments, ensuring a comprehensive grasp of Jira Software’s capabilities.
  • JQL, Reports, Dashboards, and Gadgets: Navigate the intricacies of JQL, reports, dashboards, and gadgets, unlocking the power to derive meaningful insights from project data.

Who Should Pursue ACP-620 Certification?

The Managing Jira Projects for Cloud (ACP-620) exam caters to various professionals aiming to enhance their skills and proficiency in Jira Cloud.

  • Project Managers: Aspiring to manage projects using Jira Cloud efficiently.
  • Team Leads, Administrators, and Members: Regularly work with Jira Cloud and aim to elevate their skills.
  • IT Professionals: Seeking a deeper understanding of Jira Cloud’s application across diverse industries.
  • Product Owners and Stakeholders: Exploring the benefits of Jira Cloud for effective project management.
  • Developers: Striving to become adept in utilizing Jira Cloud for agile software development.
  • Anyone Seeking Recognition: Individuals aiming to earn a distinguished Jira Cloud project management certification.

Recommended Prior Training and Experience

Are you embarking on the journey to ACP-620 certification? As Atlassian University recommends, having at least six months of hands-on experience with Jira is advisable.

Certification Validity

The ACP-620 certification remains valid for an impressive 24 months, ensuring your skills stay relevant in dynamic project management.

A Glimpse into the Exam

Here’s a quick summary of the Atlassian Certification in Managing Jira Projects for Cloud (ACP-MJCP) exam:

  • Exam Code: ACP-620
  • Exam Price: $250 (USD)
  • Duration: 180 mins
  • Number of Questions: 70
  • Passing Score: 60%

Exam Syllabus Topics

  • Project Creation: 10-15%
  • Board Configuration: 25-35%
  • Managing Projects: 25-35%
  • Automation: 15-20%
  • Reporting: 15-20%

Unveiling the Benefits

1. Career Advancement

Elevate your career trajectory as a project manager by showcasing your expertise in managing Jira projects on the Cloud.

2. Competitive Edge

Stand out among project managers, highlighting your effectiveness in managing Jira Software’s Scrum and Kanban projects.

3. Proficiency in Jira Cloud

Validate your proficiency in managing Jira projects for the Cloud, displaying a deep understanding of its features and capabilities.

4. Agile Methodologies

In a world where Jira is synonymous with Agile, this certification certifies your experience in Agile methodologies like Scrum and Kanban.

5. Project Management Skills

ACP-620 certifies your robust understanding of project management concepts, covering planning, risk management, and resource allocation.

6. Reporting and Analytics

Proficiency in using Jira’s reporting and analytics tools becomes second nature, enabling you to analyze project data, identify trends, and make informed decisions.

Tips for Exam Preparation

1. Experience Requirement

Build a solid foundation by gaining at least six months of hands-on experience with Jira before the exam. Practical exposure significantly enhances your platform understanding.

2. Study the Exam Syllabus

Dive into the exam syllabus topics, allocating your study time based on the weightage of each section. I know project creation, board configuration, managing projects, automation, and reporting inside out.

3. Hands-On Practice

Actively manage Jira projects in a Cloud environment to reinforce theoretical knowledge with practical experience.

4. Training Courses

Consider enrolling in relevant training courses provided by Atlassian University or other reputable sources. Structured learning can cover key topics in-depth.

5. Practice Exams

Get acquainted with the test structure and pinpoint potential areas for enhancement by completing practice examinations. This boosts confidence and enhances time management during the actual exam.

6. Community Engagement

Join the Jira community and forums to discuss best practices, challenges, and solutions. Learning from others’ experiences provides valuable insights.

7. Documentation Review

Thoroughly review official Atlassian documentation for Jira Cloud. This ensures a comprehensive understanding of the platform’s features and functionalities.


The ACP-620 certification is crucial for project managers, team leads, and IT professionals seeking expertise in Jira Cloud. It validates skills in agile project management, offering benefits like career advancement and a competitive edge. The certification covers critical areas such as best practices, user management, backlog grooming, and board configuration. With a 24-month validity, the exam requires six months of hands-on Jira experience. Preparation tips include studying the syllabus, hands-on practice, training courses, and community engagement. Overall, ACP-620 certifies proficiency in managing Jira projects for the Cloud, making it a valuable asset in the dynamic project management landscape.

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