ACP-610 Certification: Elevate Your Jira Project Management

Are you a Jira power user, project administrator, Jira administrator, team lead, agile project manager, or scrum master aiming to elevate your skills to the next level? The ACP-610 certification is designed to help professionals like you understand project administration within the Jira ecosystem.

The ACP-610 certification focuses on tasks beyond project administrators’ responsibilities. It delves into the relationship between the project and the Jira administration, emphasizing the importance of maintaining the system’s overall health. Completing this certification will enhance your proficiency in managing Jira projects and prepare you for the Managing Jira Projects Data Center and Server certification exam.

Target Audience

This certification is designed for individuals in positions like Jira power users, Jira project administrators, team leaders, agile project managers, and scrum masters. Before attempting the ACP-610 exam, Atlassian recommends taking the Jira Essentials with Agile Mindset course or having equivalent experience.

ACP-610 Certification Exam Details

  • Exam Name: Atlassian Certified Professional in Managing Jira Projects for Data Center and Server
  • Exam Code: ACP-610
  • Exam Price: $250 (USD)
  • Duration: 180 minutes
  • Number of Questions: 75
  • Passing Score: 64%

ACP-610 Certification Exam Syllabus Topics

The ACP-610 exam covers various topics, each contributing to a holistic understanding of managing Jira projects. The syllabus is divided into five key areas, each with its respective weightage.

  • Project Creation (5-15%): This section evaluates your ability to initiate and set up projects within the Jira ecosystem. It includes tasks related to project configuration and basic project setup.
  • Board Configuration (30-40%): Board configuration is a significant aspect of managing Jira projects. This section assesses your knowledge of configuring boards effectively to optimize project workflow and collaboration.
  • Managing Projects (25-35%): This part delves into the day-to-day management of Jira projects. It covers creating and editing issues, managing workflows, and understanding project permissions.
  • Extended Project Administration (5-10%): Going beyond the basics, this section explores advanced project administration tasks. It may include managing custom fields, configuring schemes, and handling complex project configurations.
  • Reporting (15-25%): Reporting is crucial for project evaluation and decision-making. This section evaluates your ability to generate meaningful reports using Jira’s reporting features.

Benefits of the ACP-610 Certification

  • Enhanced Skills and Knowledge: The certification provides a comprehensive understanding of project administration within the Jira ecosystem, going beyond the responsibilities of project administrators. This knowledge enhancement allows professionals to excel as Jira power users, project administrators, Jira administrators, team leads, agile project managers, and scrum masters.
  • Holistic Approach to Project Management: By covering a range of topics, including project creation, board configuration, day-to-day project management, extended project administration, and reporting, the certification ensures a holistic approach to managing Jira projects. This equips professionals with a well-rounded skill set for effective project administration.
  • Validation of Expertise: Achieving the ACP-610 certification is a tangible validation of one’s expertise in managing Jira projects. It is a recognized credential that demonstrates a high level of proficiency in tasks that go beyond basic project administration, highlighting the individual’s ability to maintain the overall health of the Jira system.
  • Preparation for Certification Exam: The certification serves as a guide for the Managing Jira Projects Data Center and Server certification exam. Completing the ACP-610 exam enhances proficiency and prepares individuals for the subsequent certification, showcasing a commitment to continuous learning and improvement.
  • Career Advancement: Holding an Atlassian Certified Professional certification can enhance career prospects. Employers often value certifications as they indicate expertise and commitment to staying updated. This may result in career progression prospects and greater responsibilities within the company.
  • Community Recognition: Atlassian certifications are well-respected in the industry. Being an ACP in Managing Jira Projects for Data Centers and servers adds to an individual’s professional credibility within the Atlassian community, making them stand out among their peers.
  • Increased Efficiency and Productivity: With a deep understanding of Jira project management, certified professionals can contribute to increased team efficiency and productivity. They can optimize project workflows, troubleshoot issues, and implement best practices, leading to smoother project operations.
  • Access to Atlassian Resources: Certification often comes with access to exclusive resources, updates, and communities provided by Atlassian. This ongoing support can be valuable for staying informed about the latest developments, networking with other certified professionals, and continuing professional development.

ACP-610 Certification Exam Preparation Tips

Here are some exam preparation tips for the Atlassian Certified Professional (ACP) in Managing Jira Projects for Data Center and Server (ACP-610) certification.

1. Understand the Exam Structure

Familiarize yourself with the exam format, including the number of questions, duration, passing score, and the weightage of each syllabus topic. This will help you plan your time during the exam.

2. Review the Syllabus Thoroughly

Go through each syllabus topic in detail, paying particular attention to the percentage weightage assigned to each section. Focus on areas where you may need more improvement based on your current knowledge.

3. Hands-On Practice

Gain practical experience by working on Jira projects. Practice project creation, board configuration, issue management, extended project administration tasks, and report generation in a live Jira environment.

4. Use Atlassian Documentation

Utilize official Atlassian documentation and resources. Atlassian provides extensive documentation on Jira features, configurations, and best practices. This can serve as a valuable reference during your preparation.

5. Take Official Training Courses

Consider taking Atlassian’s recommended training courses, such as the Jira Essentials with Agile Mindset course. This can offer a systematic learning trajectory and encompass fundamental principles required for the certification.

6. Create Custom Jira Projects

Practice creating and configuring custom Jira projects to simulate real-world scenarios. This practical experience will improve your comprehension of project administration duties.

7. Explore Advanced Features

Focus on advanced project administration tasks, including custom field management, scheme configurations, and handling complex project setups. Understanding these intricacies will be beneficial for the extended project administration section.

8. Simulate Exam Conditions

Practice under exam conditions by setting a timer for 180 minutes and attempting 75 questions. This will help you manage your time effectively during the actual exam.

9. Join Atlassian Community

Engage with the Atlassian community forums to discuss and share insights with other professionals preparing for the certification. This collaborative approach can provide additional perspectives and tips.

10. Stay Updated with Jira Releases

Stay informed about the most recent updates and features introduced by Atlassian for Jira. The exam might contain questions about the latest changes, so remaining up-to-date is crucial.


The ACP-610 certification in Managing Jira Projects for Data Centers and Servers enhances professionals’ skills, offering a holistic understanding of Jira project administration. Benefits include career advancement, community recognition, and preparation for advanced certifications. Follow the provided tips for successful exam preparation, ensuring a well-rounded skill set for effective Jira project management.


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