Master the Art of RPA With the Blue Prism ASD01 Certification

The Blue Prism ASD01 Certification exam assesses a candidate’s comprehension and recognition of scalable, secure, and practical design methods and principles for Blue Prism processes. This certification lets you demonstrate your abilities and potentially fast career advancements to your supervisors. It bolsters your professional reputation and enriches your expertise and understanding. Achieving success in this examination necessitates unwavering commitment and substantial effort. Now, let’s delve further into the specifics of the exam.

What Is the Blue Prism ASD01 Certification Exam?

Before diving into the specifics, let’s understand what the ASD01 exam entails. This certification assesses your grasp of critical Blue Prism process solution design concepts. Blue Prism recognizes the significance of maintaining high standards for enterprise RPA delivery, and this exam is your ticket to becoming a Blue Prism Certified Solutions Designer.

Blue Prism ASD01 Certification Exam Prerequisites

To register for the ASD01 exam, you must possess a Blue Prism Portal account and successfully pass the Certified Developer (AD01) exam. These prerequisites ensure candidates have a solid foundation in Blue Prism before attempting the more advanced Solution Designer certification.

Why Choose Blue Prism?

  • Scalability: Blue Prism is designed to handle tasks of varying complexity, making it suitable for small and large-scale automation projects.
  • Security: Security is of utmost importance in the digital era. Blue Prism offers strong security capabilities that protect sensitive information and guarantee adherence to industry regulations.
  • Efficiency: Say goodbye to errors and delays. Blue Prism bots work tirelessly, 24/7, ensuring tasks are completed accurately and swiftly.

Blue Prism ASD01 Certification Exam Details

  • Exam Name: Blue Prism Certified Solution Designer
  • Exam Code: ASD01
  • Exam Price: $150 (USD)
  • Duration: 60 minutes
  • Number of Questions: 27
  • Passing Score: 70%

Blue Prism ASD01 Certification Exam Syllabus Topics

To excel in the ASD01 exam, it’s crucial to understand the syllabus thoroughly. The topics covered include.

1. Best Practice for Building Objects and Processes

Mastering the best practices for building objects and processes is essential for designing efficient Blue Prism solutions. This section will evaluate your ability to optimize automation workflows.

2. Exception Handling

In real-world automation scenarios, exceptions are inevitable. This part of the exam assesses your skills in handling unexpected situations gracefully.

3. Debugging

Debugging is an integral part of the development process. The ASD01 exam will test your proficiency in identifying and resolving issues within Blue Prism processes.

4. Web Services – Exposing and Consuming

Understanding how to expose and consume web services is crucial for creating versatile automation solutions. This topic will gauge your knowledge in this area.

5. Work Queues

Work queues are fundamental for managing and distributing tasks efficiently in Blue Prism. Your ability to work with them will be tested in this section.

Unlocking the Career Benefits

Earning the Blue Prism Solution Designer certification isn’t just about adding a badge to your resume. It offers many career benefits that can significantly impact your professional journey.

In India

  • Increased Demand: India is witnessing a surge in demand for certified RPA professionals. Holding the ASD01 certification puts you at the forefront of this demand wave.
  • Higher Salaries: Certified professionals often command higher salaries due to their specialized skills in RPA. This certification can translate into a substantial pay increase.
  • Better Job Opportunities: Companies seek certified professionals to lead their RPA initiatives. Your certification opens doors to exciting job opportunities.
  • Credibility and Recognition: Employers value certifications as a measure of expertise. Being a Blue Prism Certified Solutions Designer enhances your credibility in the job market.

In the USA

  • Rising Demand: The USA, like India, is experiencing a growing need for RPA experts. Your ASD01 certification makes you a sought-after professional.
  • Lucrative Salaries: RPA professionals in the USA enjoy lucrative compensation packages. Being certified can significantly boost your earning potential.
  • Career Advancement: With the ASD01 certification, you’re better positioned for career growth. Many leadership roles in RPA require specialized knowledge; this certification can be your ticket to such positions.
  • Industry Recognition: Obtaining a Blue Prism certification distinguishes you in a competitive job market. It signals to employers that you have the skills to excel in the field.

Preparing for Success

Now that you understand the significance of the Blue Prism Solution Designer certification, it’s time to chart your path to success. Here are some valuable resources and strategies to help you ace the exam.

1. Discussion Forums and Communities

When you’re grappling with doubts or seeking clarification on complex topics, online forums, and communities can be your lifeline. Connect with professionals who are certified in Blue Prism or related fields. Engaging in discussions helps you clear doubts and broadens your understanding. Many users even share study materials that can be invaluable for your preparation. Join the official community today and start learning collaboratively.

2. Self-Study Strategy

Craft a personalized study plan tailored to your needs. Consider the challenging topics, your daily availability, and your preferred learning style. Divide the syllabus into theoretical and hands-on sections. Breaking down complex concepts into smaller, manageable portions can enhance comprehension. Flexibility is vital; design a schedule that aligns with your comfort and commitments.

3. Online Training Course and Instructor-led Training

Online courses and instructor-led training programs offer interactive learning experiences. These platforms provide structured guidance, study materials, and practice tests. Look for reputable educational websites with quality content. These Blue Prism Solutions Designer certification classes make learning engaging and effective. They help you navigate the syllabus, ensuring you don’t become a mere bookworm.

4. Practice Tests

Practice makes perfect. This holds for the ASD01 exam as well. Utilize Blue Prism Certified Solutions Designer mock tests to identify your weak areas and refine your preparation. Practice tests mimic the exam environment, helping you get comfortable with the format and timing. Numerous reliable websites offer practice tests that can be immensely valuable in your journey toward certification.

Blue Prism ASD01 Certification Exam Retake Policy

It’s important to note that success may not come overnight. If you don’t pass the exam on your first attempt, at least seven days must elapse before you can retake it. Use this time wisely to review your weaknesses and reinforce your knowledge.


The Blue Prism Solution Designer (ASD01) certification is your gateway to a world of opportunities in the dynamic field of Robotic Process Automation. Achieving this certification demands dedication, strategic preparation, and a commitment to excellence. With the right resources and a clear roadmap, you can confidently stride towards obtaining this esteemed certification, unlocking a prosperous career in RPA. Embrace the challenge, prepare diligently, and seize the opportunities that await you in the exciting world of Blue Prism.

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