Step Into the Future: Blue Prism Developer Certification Guide

In the swiftly evolving realm of automation, obtaining the SS&C Blue Prism Developer Certification emerges as a crucial asset for both IT experts and students aspiring to excel in robotic process automation (RPA). This certification assesses a developer’s competence in fundamental SS&C Blue Prism concepts and functionalities, ensuring their adeptness in thriving across various Blue Prism environments.

The Blue Prism Developer Exam (AD01) constitutes a thorough evaluation designed to gauge a developer’s grasp of core Blue Prism development principles. As the global dependence on automation intensifies, professionals equipped with this certification will be in high demand. Attaining this certification not only bolsters one’s professional credibility but also positions them for career progression and skill enhancement.

What Is The Blue Prism Developer Certification Exam?

The Blue Prism Developer Exam (AD01) is crafted to evaluate a developer’s comprehension of the essential Blue Prism development concepts and functionality. Recognizing the significance of a robust certification program, Blue Prism ensures that certified developers meet the criteria essential for successful enterprise RPA deployment.

Blue Prism Developer Certification Exam Prerequisites

To prepare for the Certified Blue Prism Developer (AD01) exam, candidates should undergo the Developer Foundation Training along with its associated consolidation exercise. It is imperative to thoroughly review and comprehend the following learning objectives accessible on the Blue Prism Learning Management System.

  • Blue Prism Developer Mandatory Training
  • Credentials and Credential Manager
  • Advanced Data Items
  • Advanced Attribute Matching
  • Advanced Exception Handling Guide
  • Advanced Work Queues Guide
  • Lifecycle Orientation (Blue Prism Process Delivery Roadmap)
  • Development Best Practice
  • Solution Design Overview
  • Object Design Guide
  • Process Creation Guide
  • Environment and Session Variables
  • Guide to Send Keys and Send Key Events
  • Run Mode Guide

Who Should Take the Blue Prism Developer Certification Exam?

The Blue Prism Developer Certification (AD01) exam is tailored for individuals possessing a working familiarity with Blue Prism development. This certification aids candidates in validating and showcasing their proficiency in Blue Prism development concepts and functionality. It is suitable for.

  • Business Intelligence and Management Professionals
  • IT and Automation Engineers
  • Working professionals in the IT industry
  • Fresh Graduates interested in pursuing a career in Robotic Automation

Retake Policy

Candidates must observe a minimum waiting period of seven days before attempting a retake in case of a failed exam.

Blue Prism Developer Certification Exam Details

  • Exam Name: Blue Prism Certified Developer
  • Exam Code: AD01
  • Exam Price: $150 (USD)
  • Duration: 75 minutes
  • Number of Questions: 60
  • Passing Score: 70%

Blue Prism Developer Certification Exam Syllabus Topics

  • Object Development: 35%
  • Process Development: 35%
  • Process Implementation: 20%
  • Best Practice: 10%

Benefits of Blue Prism Developer Certification

1. Professional Credibility

Attaining the Blue Prism Developer Certification validates one’s skills and amplifies their professional credibility. It serves as tangible proof of expertise in Blue Prism development, garnering recognition from peers and employers alike.

2. Career Advancement

In a competitive job market, certifications serve as key differentiators. The Blue Prism Developer Certification opens pathways to a multitude of career opportunities, ranging from lucrative job roles to leadership positions in RPA-driven enterprises.

3. Skill Enhancement

Preparing for the Blue Prism Developer Exam entails rigorous training and upskilling. Candidates acquire enhanced knowledge and proficiency in Blue Prism development methodologies.

4. Industry Recognition

Blue Prism is a frontrunner in the RPA domain, and its certifications enjoy widespread acknowledgment within the industry. Holding a Blue Prism Developer Certification signifies alignment with industry best practices and standards, augmenting one’s employability and marketability.

Blue Prism Developer Certification Exam Tips and Tricks

1. Understand the Exam Format

Acquaint yourself with the format of the Certified Blue Prism Developer (AD01) exam, which comprises multiple-choice questions, and you have a total of 75 minutes to complete it. Understanding the format aids in effective time management during the test.

2. Review the Exam Objectives

Invest time in thoroughly comprehending the exam objectives to ensure a strong grasp of the topics covered by the exam. This step directs your study efforts toward the pertinent areas.

3. Practice with Sample Questions

Practice breeds proficiency. Engage with sample questions and practice tests to familiarize yourself with the types of questions likely to be encountered during the exam. This cultivates confidence and acquaints you with the exam structure.

4. Gain Hands-on Experience

Practical exposure is invaluable. Engage in building and testing Blue Prism processes in a sandbox environment. This hands-on approach solidifies understanding of Blue Prism concepts and prepares you for real-world scenarios.

5. Focus on Automation Principles

Automation Principles constitute a significant portion of the exam. These principles encapsulate best practices for designing, constructing, and maintaining Blue Prism processes. Grasping and applying these principles are pivotal for exam success.

6. Know the Blue Prism Toolset

Familiarize yourself with the Blue Prism toolset, encompassing Process Studio, Object Studio, and Control Room. Proficiency in utilizing these tools is indispensable for developing and managing Blue Prism processes.

7. Review Blue Prism Product Documentation

Leverage the comprehensive Blue Prism product documentation as a resource offering detailed insights into all facets of the Blue Prism platform. Utilizing this resource deepens understanding of Blue Prism functionalities and features.

8. Utilize the Blue Prism Community Forum

The Blue Prism Community Forum serves as a valuable platform for seeking guidance, sharing knowledge, and seeking solutions from fellow Blue Prism developers. Active engagement with the community yields insights and resolutions to encountered challenges.

9. Attend Blue Prism Training

Consider enrolling in official Blue Prism training courses to augment your skills and platform knowledge. These training sessions provide structured learning experiences and insights from certified instructors, significantly aiding in exam preparation.

10. Maintain Composure and Focus

During the exam, maintain composure and focus. Avoid rushing through questions; instead, meticulously read each question before providing an answer. Composure fosters clear thinking and optimal performance.


The SS&C Blue Prism Developer Certification holds immense value for IT professionals and students aspiring to excel in robotic process automation. By comprehending the exam requisites, diligently preparing, and leveraging the provided tips and tricks, candidates can elevate their skills, advance their careers, and garner industry recognition.

Are you prepared to elevate your career with the Blue Prism Developer Certification? Embark on your preparation journey today and join the ranks of certified Blue Prism developers making significant strides in the automation domain.


1. What is the Blue Prism Developer Exam (AD01)?

The Blue Prism Developer Exam (AD01) is designed to evaluate a developer’s comprehension of essential Blue Prism development concepts and functionality.

2. Who should consider taking the Blue Prism Developer Exam?

The exam is suitable for individuals with a working familiarity with Blue Prism development, including IT professionals, business intelligence professionals, automation engineers, and fresh graduates interested in robotic automation.

3. What are the benefits of obtaining the Blue Prism Developer Certification?

The certification enhances professional credibility, opens doors to career advancement opportunities, and signifies alignment with industry best practices in robotic process automation.

4. How can I prepare effectively for the Blue Prism Developer Exam?

Effective preparation involves thorough training, reviewing exam objectives, practicing with sample questions, gaining hands-on experience, and attending Blue Prism training sessions.

5. How often can I retake the Blue Prism Developer Exam if I fail?

Candidates must observe a minimum waiting period of seven days before attempting a retake in case of a failed exam.

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